About Us
Take-QAIR® is a tool for piloting, medical and administrative monitoring in real-time of the patient journey in healthcare facilities such as clinics or hospitals.
At A Glance
Take-QAIR® is an intuitive, efficient & secure solution that adapts to
healthcare facilities using a unique automated and encrypted data
collection system.
It delivers relevant information in real time using artificial intelligence and simplifies the follow-up of your patients. Artificial Intelligence to track data from blood samples. Use Genomic Intelligence to prevent and inform treatment decisions Sickle Cell Disease (SDC) and Sudden Cardiac Death (SDC). It’s designed for medical staff : surgeons, doctors, nurses & healthcare executives.
Our Vision
Satisfaction and Happiness of Medical Staff
We visualize a better clinical experience and better patient management together with wellbeing and no stress work automation for medical staff and professionals.
Our Mission is to reduce triggers of stress for medical staff working for the betterment of patients.

Genomics Goals
Sickle Cell and Sudden Cardiac Diseases
Both Sickle Cell and Sudden Cardiac Diseases are affecting a huge number of lives in the US itself and the whole number is currently unknown.
We are partnering up with researchers and doctors to learn the ways to curb it and we have a visionary goal to support doctors and experts in generating features to balance these diseases data and using it to fix the life of those affected.

Our Partners







Our Team of Experts

Melvain Todem
CEO / Healthcare PMO, Engineer & MBA Freelance Consultant (17 years of working experience), Business Strategist and Project Manager.

Simon Lecoeur
CEO of Akarah and Chief Marketing Officer at various firms. An IT Engineer with experience in Marketing & UI/UX Design in various projects

Maxence Machu
Versatile developer, passionate about innovation and technology. Co-founder of Akarah, Development Studio specialised in the cultural sector.